Describe your work at WVU in three words:
No Easy Answers. Teaching in the world of leadership studies by nature is messy, complicated, and there are no easy answers.
What is the best place on campus to take a break?
The Grind Coffeehouse. My office is in Arnold (haven't been there since COVID)and it was always a joy to take a 15-45 minute break to get a coffee and sip away while sitting in the picture window watching life go by.
How do you define leadership?
There are endless ways to define leadership. However, I do adopt tend to adopt two ways of defining Leadership. 1. Leadership is a choice. Be more intentional about the choices that we make and that those choices are in line with our value structures. If so, we can stand and lead with conviction. 2. Context matters. Leadership is all about context and developing contextual intelligence will always improve our leadership effectiveness.
Where did you attend undergrad/graduate school?
Central Michigan University "Fire up Chips" BS in Psychology, MSA in Sport Administration
Eastern Michigan University Ph.D. in Educational Leadership (Student Affairs emphasis)
What was your first job?
First official job was working for a page at the Michigan State Capital. I ran memos between representative, attended session, and made the official state awards recognizing all sorts of achievements. I was 17.
What are your favorite hobbies?
Outdoor adventures, yoga, volleyball, and drinking craft beer with friends.
What is your name, unit, and position?
Cheyenne Luzynski, Leadership Studies, Teaching Assistant Professor