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Nagasree Garapati

Portait of Nagasree Garapati, outside in front of trees.

Facts about Nagasree

Describe your work at WVU in three words.
Instruction, Advising, Research.

What are 3 traits that define you?
Reliable, Honest, kind.

Where did you attend undergrad/graduate school?
Undergraduate: University college of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
Graduate: Both Masters and PhD from WVU

What are your favorite hobbies?
Reading Novels (mystery), cooking, listening to music and binge watching.

What is your favorite place to travel/visit? or If you could visit anywhere, where would you go?
In U.S. I want to visit Alaska and back in India I would like to visit Kashmir and may be a road trip from north Kashmir to south Kerala. :)

What is your name, unit, and position?
Nagasree Garapati, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Visiting Assistant Professor

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